YCAT Artists return to the stage! After such a prolonged break, we are hugely excited to be bringing live music to communities throughout the UK once again.An integral component of YCAT’s offer to selected artists is providing extensive performing opportunities, including a chance to perform a recital as part of our distinguished Lunchtime Concert Series at Wigmore Hall.We continue to work in partnership with residencies around the UK: St George's Bristol, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, Leeds Conservatoire and Theatre Clwyd, North Wales. These not only provide vital opportunities for artists to perform, but will also bring each artist's Wigmore Hall recital to a wider UK audience. Randall Goosby & Jonathan Ware - 5 October Maciej Kulakowski & Jonathan Ware - 19 October Samuele Telari - 2 November George Harliono - 7 December