Welcome to YCAT’s 21cMusician toolkit: a series of interviews, tutorials, videos, blogs and live events, each with a different monthly focus, to help kickstart your career as a musician.

1. What's your mission? Delia Stevens helps you to make your projects more personal  

2. Let's talk about innovation: this month's coffee break session features Tabitha McGrath from Polyarts management

3. Diary of a 21st Century Musician: we chat to violinist Simmy Singh about her musical life

Session with Delia Stevens: Your Mission Statement and how to translate it into Professional Work

We are looking forward to welcoming percussionist Delia Stevens for a session on mission statements, held online on 26th October at 11am. Book onto this exciting session to explore your values and how they can make your projects more personal and impactful. 

Join our coffee break session with Tabitha McGrath on 13th October at 11am

Coffee break sessions put your questions centre stage, so register here to ask Tabitha your questions about tech, multi-genre projects and audiences. You can ask your questions on the day or submit them in advance, so what are you waiting for? 

Diary of a 21st Century Musician: Simmy Singh (violin)

In the second of this series we join Simmy as she talks us through her journey so far. This will be a lively, informal session with the opportunity to ask questions about her musical life and work. Register here to join the conversation, at 11am on the 20th October.

Explore the 21cMusician toolkit