News 21cMusician: The December Edition Welcome to YCAT’s 21cMusician toolkit: a series of interviews, tutorials, videos, blogs and live events, each with a different monthly focus, to help kickstart your career as a musician. 1. Small Group Coaching: 12 places available with Marion Friend MBE 2. Finding Your Why: Mini Masterclass with Tanya Bannister (Concert Artists Guild) 3. Getting your project noticed by an agent: Insights from Polyarts Management's Tabitha McGrath 4. Focus Group: Join our focus group to share your ideas for future 21c content Do You Own Your Career? Small Group Coaching with Marion Friend MBE Join Marion Friend MBE for a small group coaching session, exploring these questions and more in a welcoming and supportive environment. YCAT's coaching sessions provide you with the opportunity to renew your focus and motivation by engaging with some essential self-reflection. In this session we will think together about your career goals and the challenging decisions you might have to make as a musician to unlock your most authentic musical self. **This session is limited to 12 participants, so apply now for your place** Five tips for getting your project picked up by an agent Getting your project noticed by an agent can be tricky, and it isn't always obvious where to start. Here are our practical insights from Tabitha McGrath's (Associate Director at Polyarts management) coffee break session from earlier this year. Have your say: Join our focus group on December 8th! How can YCAT support you to be a 21st Century Musician? Make yourself a coffee and drop in from 11 till 12:30 on 8th December to let us know. Whether you have a great idea for a guest post, a clear gap in your knowledge, or simply can't stomach any more financial advice, you can help us shape the programme of the future. Sign up here. Explore the 21cMusician toolkit