21c Musician: The June Edition Welcome to YCAT’s 21cMusician toolkit: a series of interviews, tutorials, videos, blogs and live events, each with a different monthly focus, to help kickstart your career as a musician. 1. Networking with Confidence: A special session with Laura Mulhern (Plan Make Do) to help you take the plunge when meeting new people 2. Mini masterclass with Leo Geyer: Unravelling the mysteries of the new Arts Council Investment Principles 3. Ten tips to attract your dream collaborator: A brand new guide from Yshani Perinpanayagam There’s no doubt that some of the best collaborations come about because of chance meetings. As a musician, you’ll find yourself in situations with new people all the time. But how can you capitalise on that in an authentic way? If you’ve ever found yourself thinking: Other people are good at networking, but it’s not the sort of person I am I’d never have the courage to talk to someone new What have I got to add to the conversation, anyway? Then this session is for you! Join Laura Mulhern from Plan Make Do for this special session on networking with confidence. Learn how to approach people, pitch your projects, and build relationships for effective collaboration. You’ll leave with some new strategies to take the fear out of taking the plunge, whether your networking is online or offline. Register now Looking to secure Arts Council funding for your collaborative projects, but feeling perplexed by the new Investment Principles? Fear not - Leo Geyer (Constella OperaBallet) guides us through them in our latest mini masterclass. There's even a quick investment principles fact sheet if you'd like a visual guide too. We've got a brand new blog from multi-genre, cross-arts pianist Yshani Perinpanayagam. Having directed projects featuring new music, theatre, dance, and even videogames, it's fair to say she's something of an expert when it comes to collaboration! Read her 10 tips to attract your dream collaborator to help get your own ideas off the ground. Explore the 21cMusician toolkit