UK Music Masters UK Music Masters and Young Classical Artists Trust are extremely proud of our partnership which supports the shared aims of education, diversity, and inclusion within classical music. The Robey Artist represents exceptional performers from backgrounds currently under-represented in classical music. Through recommendation and selection, artists are identified from diverse backgrounds who exhibit the potential for a solo performing career. The Robey Artist undertakes an ambassadorial role within the LMM Learning Programme, working closely with the young learners to becoming an inspirational classical role model. After American violinist, Randall Goosby, and violist, Jordan Bak, we are delighted to introduce our next Robey Artist, cellist, Sterling Elliott, who joins YCAT’s roster of artists and takes on a UK Music Masters school residency. This twin investment in his performance career and his role as an ambassador for education are at the heart of this partnership. The partnership is further extended with a training programme led by Music Masters for YCAT artists helping them to build an authentic approach to community music-making. We aim to increase the confidence, skills, and creativity of these emerging artists enabling them to be as effective in the classroom as they are in the concert hall, across the whole of their career. Additionally, the two organisations will work with leading Diversity and Inclusion specialists to build more inclusive practices through a programme of trustee and staff training and the development of a Diversity and Inclusion roadmap.